Our Pastor
Chris Asprelli
Lead Pastor
Pastor Asprelli started at Central Valley Baptist Church in 2011. He has served in many different capacities including as executive bus ministry, and adult ministry director.
Pastor and Mrs. Asprelli were married here at CVBC in 2010. Both graduated from Bible college and their enthusiasm for the Lord has been constant throughout the years. Mrs. Asprelli is involved in leading the ladies’ ministries of our church. Best of all, she is a wonderful mother to four children: Phoebe, Penelope, Chris, & Cyrus.
Pastor Asprelli accepted the call to become the Lead Pastor of CVBC in January of 2024. Pastor and his family are blessed to call Central Valley their home and continue to forward our mission of serving our community and spreading the Gospel in Manteca and around the world. He is passionate about reaching our community and the world with the Gospel!
Support Staff
Gabriella decker
office Receptionist
Gabriella Decker joined our team in early 2023. She has a heart for serving in the local church, and currently serves as part of the office staff and reception. She also is involved in choir and children’s ministries.
Sal Gonzales
family Pastor
Bro. Gonzales is the Family Pastor at CVBC. He plays a vital role in ministering to and supporting the spiritual growth and well-being of families within our congregation. He, and his wife, Abby, have a heart for reaching and teaching the next generation for Christ.
Andrew Linder
Communications Director
Bro. Linder joined our staff in late 2018. He and his wife, Karina, love being involved at CVBC! Bro. Linder oversees our finance office, churchwide communications, media, and he is the principal of our Christian school.
Keliek Stewart
Bus director & visitation director
Bro. Stewart joined our team in July of 2017. He leads our bus ministry and oversees the visitation program of the church. He has a heart for serving in the ministry here at CVBC!
Our values
The Gospel will be at the center of everything we do. We will tirelessly work to make Christ known.
It is our passion to create a greenhouse for new believers so they may become rooted and grounded followers of Christ.
We are spiritual contributors, not consumers. The church does not exist for us; the church exists to reach the world for Christ.
We believe there is no greater purpose than serving God. The work we do brings the good news of salvation, healing, and freedom to a needy world. So we can’t settle for anything less.
Excellence honors God and inspires people. We will bring our best in everything we do.
We are the body of Christ. We are fellow soldiers in the fight. We laugh together, love each other, and lift each other up.

Have Questions?
Ask us anything. Seriously, go ahead.
Bible Study, Teen Forging Hour & Master Clubs for Kids - 6:30 PM
At our church, one of our goals is to help you understand and apply God’s Word. We believe that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out. Every message is posted online so you can listen again and share it with a friend. Enjoy!