Understanding the Deity of Christ

Understanding the Deity of Christ

In today’s world, we are presented with a choice when it comes to our beliefs about Jesus and the Bible. We can either reject the Bible and Jesus’ claims as false or accept them as truth. There is no middle ground when it comes to such a profound and...
Does Jesus Know What We Go Through?

Does Jesus Know What We Go Through?

In John 5:5, we encounter a profound story of a man who had been suffering from an infirmity for 38 years. This man’s condition prevented him from walking, and he found himself among thousands of people in a similar state. Yet, amidst the multitude, Jesus chose...
Why The Message Matters More Than Methods

Why The Message Matters More Than Methods

The Bible says that changing your mind and calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is one of the most exciting things you could see and be a part of in your life (Acts 3:19). In the Gospel of John, we read the story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan...